i was cruising along kajang silk on my way home from school around 3 this evening and saw in my side mirror a car was coming fast at me. so i switched to middle lane and started to slow down as i was approaching toll 9Stone. i thought the car that was coming fast at me just now wanted to pass through the smart tag lane but alas he went to the cash lane instead !! the way he cut in front of me was so aggresive that i got the impression he was trying to ram into me!! i was so surprised i nearly skidded my car!! luckily, there was no car behind me, Alhamdulillah...
i followed the car closely and noticed quickly that it was a silver Waja (WGR 357*)police car - the one which belongs to pegawai penyiasat jsj. i think this kind of transport might be used for detective works.
if anyone from your department read this please know that i am not badmouthing you. but please respect other drivers eventhough they do not possess "lesen besar" like you do.
jangan marah ya abang2 polis... kalau pon saya bawak slow kat lorong kanan tu (if 100kmh u still consider slow....) flash lampu aje suda... saya paham maksud universal tuh...
ja ne...
asalnya ke makmal komputer untuk meng'key-in'kan data maklumat murid tetapi tersasar pula ke laman facebook. maklum aja... dah lama tidak di'up-date'kan...
tiba-tiba menggebu-gebu keinginan di hati untuk mencuba nasib menjawab quiz maka ke laman quizzila.com tab dibuka. hatta dah berzaman tidak ber'kuiz' makanya hampir terlupa akan URL nya. ke bahagian personaliti nasib dicuba dan inilah keputusannya :
Quiz Result: Which of the 5 senses are you? :
"You're a very hands on type of person-- the kind who really likes to get in there, who likes to give hugs, and is very affectionate. Sometimes you might forget that other people aren't the same way and it can be a bit overbearing. Sometimes, you gotta just keep your hands to yourself."
Benarkah begini? atau cuma pengaruh dalam diri yang ingin mencari hakiki?.....